Frequently asked questions about: Way of working
We work with various materials in different collections. Our adviser will be pleased to tell you more about these!
You will receive a 10 year guarantee for an Upstairs Staircase Renovation. For the World Collection, this guarantee covers warping and construction defects. The Sturdy-Chic collection has a different guarantee period and the guarantee only covers construction defects. This is because warping is desirable in this collection so it gets the right appearance.
Yes. Our fitters use an adhesive that has been specially developed by Upstairs. One of the properties of this adhesive is that it forms air chambers when it is applied. These air chambers enable it to absorb the noise of footsteps on your staircase.
No, we do not paint staircases.
No, we do not make staircase cupboards.
Yes. We can extend the length of steps by up to 1.5 cm, however this depends on several factors. The adviser will be pleased to visit you to determine whether your staircase is suitable for this.
Yes, it is. You have one year from the day of purchase to have your staircase installed.
Yes. We ask that you remove the floor covering yourself. You can leave any glue residues where they are.
You can leave any glue residues where they are. You only need to remove nails and any rough areas.
There are numerous finish options available. Our adviser will be pleased to tell you all about these!
All our materials are manufactured in our own facilities at our head office in Weert. This means you are guaranteed of a product made in the Netherlands!
Yes, you can, but only in consultation with customer services.
Yes! We manufacture everything in our own facilities which makes us unique in Europe.
No, that is not possible. Our product is a customised, high-quality product. We provide knowledge and craftsmanship to create a genuine Upstairs staircase. All our fitters have been professionally trained, they work with the best tools and have a good eye for detail. That is why we believe that it is almost impossible for your to renovate your staircase yourself.