Frequently asked questions about: Appointment
In this case, we recommend that you reschedule the appointment to a time that is suitable for both of you. From our experience, we have seen that important decisions need to be made for an Upstairs Staircase Renovation, just as when you choose a kitchen or bathroom. These are choices that you normally make together with your partner.
Yes. You can choose an appointment at either 5.30 pm or 8 pm.
No, unfortunately not. We work from Monday to Friday. The appointments between Monday and Thursday are in the afternoon and evening. The appointments on Friday are in the morning and early afternoon.
From our experience, we have seen that important decisions need to be made for an Upstairs Staircase Renovation, just as when you choose a kitchen or bathroom. These are choices that you normally make together with your partner. This is why we ask whether you can both attend the appointment.
Yes, although we do expect you to have serious plans for your staircase.
Each appointment is different, but appointments usually last around 90 minutes.
You can always recognise an Upstairs adviser from the yellow Upstairs bus.